About Stay Creative Studios
Artist DeAnna Nellist founded Stay Creative Studios (formerly Petite Picasso) in 2017 with the vision of bringing out the inner artist in every person.
One of her greatest passions is inspiring artists of all ages to create. “Having a space for creatives to express themselves is one of my greatest works of art,” says DeAnna.
Stay Creative Studios has 3 primary goals, which are to INSPIRE Creativity, Connection, and Community.
Creativity: There is growing scientific research that proves that creating positively impacts brain function and decreases stress and anxiety. Stay Creative Studios art classes serve as a catalyst for creativity! A place where anyone can find freedom to explore their innate creative nature.
Connection: In this disconnected and digitally distracted world, Stay Creative Studios hopes to inspire people of all ages to lay down their devices, get messy and create! Lessons are engaging, collaborative, and hands-on, inspiring authentic and natural creative connection.
Community: Living in a smaller community is such a gift. Stay Creative Studios desires to inspire a community of creatives that will impact generations to come by developing an appreciation for art and art culture.
More About DeAnna
DeAnna lives with her husband, two children, and various critters in a log cabin in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of California. She has been a Registered Nurse for 26 years. DeAnna has always been creative, but a few years ago she truly discovered areas of creative expression that had laid dormant for years. Painting became her escape and outlet. She creates art to decompress, refuel and feed her soul. Through painting, she connects with her spirituality, herself, and the beauty that surrounds her.
DeAnna Nellist and her children, who love to assist their fellow artists in class.
“My heart is bursting with joy!” - DeAnna, as she waits for a class to begin!